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PDF files have various Open Parameter options: you can link to a PDF at a specific page, named destination, zoom level, etc. But what you can't do is link to a specific bookmark. Well, until now...
With this new script created by me you can create a hyperlink to a specific bookmark in your PDF, using a simple URL parameter, like so:
http://www.myserver.com/files/products.pdf?bookmark=Index of all products
When the reader opens the file in their browser using this link, they will automatically jump to the specified bookmark, while still being able to browse the rest of the file, as usual.
Using the batch version of this script you can apply the code to multiple files in the same process (if you have Acrobat Pro, of course).
After you purchase a tool, you'll be emailed a link to download the tool.
Each license for the tool can be used on a single machine, as much as you'd like and for as long as you'd like.
Contact me to inquire about team licences. You can review our end user agreement here.
We use Payloadz, a payment processing and download provider, to process payments and send you download links to the tools. Each tool has a unique link to pay for and download the tool.