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To start using the tool
Using this new script you can search and replace the names of all the bookmarks in a single file, and if you have Acrobat Pro you can run this as an Action (or Batch Sequence) on multiple files, all for the low price of just $25!
Special offer: You can now get all three "Search & Replace Text" fields (for bookmarks, form fields and comments) for just $60, instead of $75! They can be purchased as a pack here.
Using this script is very easy. You just enter the search term and the replace term:
And all of the matching bookmark names are edited.
Before: After:
On top of that, you can even use some basic Regular Expression commands, like "\d" for a digit, "\s" for white-spaces, "$" as the beginning of the string and "^" for the end of it, etc.
After you purchase a tool, you'll be emailed a link to download the tool.
Each license for the tool can be used on a single machine, as much as you'd like and for as long as you'd like.
Contact me to inquire about team licences. You can review our end user agreement here.
We use Payloadz, a payment processing and download provider, to process payments and send you download links to the tools. Each tool has a unique link to pay for and download the tool.