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To start using the tool
This simple tool allows you to search a PDF file in the free Adobe Reader and then print just those pages where a match was found.
The search is currently case-sensitive and limited to a single word only.
Imagine you have a very large file, like this 180-pages Raspberry Pi Manual, but you're only interested in some pages from it, those that contain a certain term, such as "Install".
How do you separate those pages from the rest and focus only on them? By running this tool and printing only those pages, of course.
So after you've installed the script (instructions are included), you open the full file in Adobe Reader and click on the menu item it adds under the Extended panel:
Running the script from the Extended panel in Reader You then enter the search term you're interested in:
Entering the search term
The script searches all the pages of the file:
Search is in progress... And at the end of the process it opens up the Print dialog and populates the "Pages" field with just those page numbers that contain the search term:
The Print dialog at the end of the search. Notice the Pages list.All you have to do now is press Print and you're done!
Of course, this tool will also work in Adobe Acrobat if installed there.
After you purchase a tool, you'll be emailed a link to download the tool.
Each license for the tool can be used on a single machine, as much as you'd like and for as long as you'd like.
Contact me to inquire about team licences. You can review our end user agreement here.
We use Payloadz, a payment processing and download provider, to process payments and send you download links to the tools. Each tool has a unique link to pay for and download the tool.