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To start using the tool
Version I: Direct purchase using PayPal (Older version: $75 only per license)!
Version II: Direct purchase using PayPal (New version, $125 per license)!
This powerful little tool allows you to edit all the links in a PDF based on a simple search and replace command, and it can be used to process an entire folder (and all of its sub-folders) in a single go.
The tool can edit not just URL links, but also links to files, and convert them to URL links.
UPDATE (29-06-2017): It's now also possible to perform Search & Replace commands using a Regular Expression, including back references. This feature is included in both versions of the tools, as well as in the demo versions.
The application's dialog, with the new Regular Expression option
UPDATE (16-07-2015): Yet another new feature for this tool, an option to export all the URL links in all of the selected files to a text file, included in v. 2 of the tool.
In addition, there's now a free demo version of the v. 2 tool, available as well.
NEW FEATURE IV (25-12-2014): The tool can now process links with JavaScript-actions that use the launchURL method.
NEW FEATURE IV (14-11-2014): The tool now also processes bookmarks, as well as fields and links.
NEW FEATUREIII (19-06-2014): Now this tool will also process links associated with button form fields, not just Link objects.
NEW FEATUREII: A new version of this tool is now available, which allows you to edit the URLs of your links in multiple files, using multiple commands, specified in a list.
So instead of having to make one change at a time, you can now run as many Search & Replace or Append commands as you wish!
The new tool is available for only $125, and can be purchased through here.
New interface of the tool:
(click to enlarge)
There's still a free demo version of the tool available (old version). The demo version will process up to 3 links on the first 3 pages of the first 3 files. The full version has no such limitations, of course.
How the older version looks like:
(click to enlarge)
Imagine the following situation:
You have a set of PDF files which point to your website:
"Welcome" links to http://www.mysite.com/welcome.html
"Intro page" links to http://www.mysite.com/intro.html
"Next" links to http://www.mysite.com/page1.html
But then you decide to change your domain name to http://www.mynewsite.org and now you need to update all of your PDF files!
Well, this tool will do that for you. You just specify the folder to run it on, the Search & Replace action, the text to match ("mysite.com") and the text to replace it with ("mynewsite.org"), and voila! All of your files are updated in a second, and you get a detailed log of all the changes made to them.
This tool can also append text to the beginning or end of your URL links, so if you want to add a new URL parameter to the end of all of your links, you can easily do so.
This tool does not require you to actually have Acrobat. All you need is to have Java installed on your computer.
After you purchase a tool, you'll be emailed a link to download the tool.
Each license for the tool can be used on a single machine, as much as you'd like and for as long as you'd like.
Contact me to inquire about team licences. You can review our end user agreement here.
We use Payloadz, a payment processing and download provider, to process payments and send you download links to the tools. Each tool has a unique link to pay for and download the tool.