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To start using the tool
Some PDF files (like those generated by Acrobat when using the Compare Documents command) have locked comments that can't be edited or removed. You can use this simple (and FREE) script to unlock all of these comments with a single click, and then you'll be able to edit them, unless there's a security policy that prevents it.
This script can be used in both Adobe Acrobat and Adobe Reader.
You can download it here.
Here's how it looks like in Reader:
The original file with the locked comments. Notice the padlock icon next to each one on the right.
The same file after running the script on it from its menu item in the Tools panel.
The resulting file. All the padlock icons are gone, and I was able to delete the first highlight on the page.
After you purchase a tool, you'll be emailed a link to download the tool.
Each license for the tool can be used on a single machine, as much as you'd like and for as long as you'd like.
Contact me to inquire about team licences. You can review our end user agreement here.
We use Payloadz, a payment processing and download provider, to process payments and send you download links to the tools. Each tool has a unique link to pay for and download the tool.