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This new handy tool is perfect for translators who work with PDF files.
If your file contains form fields then you probably want to translate the tooltip text that appears when the user hovers over your fields. So how to do it?
Well, the solution is this new script I've developed that allows you to export the full list of tooltips to a text file which can be edited in Excel and then imported back into the PDF, quickly and easily.
Here's how it works.
You have a PDF file with form fields and tooltips, like this one:
The original PDF, with one of the tooltip texts
You run the Export Tooltips command on it (can be seen in the Tools menu in the screenshot above), and it generates a text file that contains the field names as well as their current tooltips.
This text file can be opened in Excel, or any other plain-text editor (like Notepad or Notepad++):
The original output file
At this point we can edit the second column and inserted our translated texts (in Spanish, in this case):
The translated fileWe close this file in Excel, go back to Acrobat and now run the Import Tooltips command:
We select the edited text file and the script imports the new tooltips:
And the results:
The new "Name" tooltip
The new "email" tooltip
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