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Update (06/06/2020): A free demo version that will combine up to 3 files in the selected folders is now available here.
With this script the merging process of two folders of PDF files with identical file-names can be automated easily. Say you have one folder with PDF letters for clients and another folder with their bills (also in PDF format), all named the same way (using the clients' names, for example).
Now you want to merge the letter for each client with their corresponding bill. How would you go about doing it? Well, with this tool it is very easy and very quick.
All you have to do is run the provided Action on the first folder, and then click the "Combine 2 Folders" button that the script adds to your Acrobat. Then you select the second folder, and the output folder (where the merged files will be saved), and let the script do the rest.
Within a matter of seconds you'll have a complete folder filled with the merged files, ready to be sent out to your clients!
The only pre-condition is that the files in both folders are named the same way... And of course you will need Acrobat Pro to be able to run the Action.
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Each license for the tool can be used on a single machine, as much as you'd like and for as long as you'd like.
Contact me to inquire about team licences. You can review our end user agreement here.
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