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Compatibility Information: All tools are compatible with both Windows and Mac computers, and all versions of Adobe Acrobat or Adobe Reader 8 or higher (unless otherwise mentioned on the product page), including the latest Acrobat (Reader) DC and 2020.
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Acrobat/Reader -- Get Field Dimensions (FREEBIE)


Get field dimensions within a PDf document.

Acrobat -- Batch Search Files


This batch script will allow you to process an entire folder of files for a certain term, and then perform an action on them in case the term was found.

Acrobat -- Mass Validate Form Fields


This script can be used to mass set a validation script for multiple form fields in your document, namely a validation for a number field of a lower and/or higher limit.

Merge PDF Files via Command Line


Merge PDF Files via the Command Line.

Acrobat -- Remove Everything Outside the Trim/Crop/Bleed/Art Box


With this script you can remove everything in your PDF outside of the Trim box with a single click. You then have a PDF that can be used online, or distributed to clients digitally. No need to create another version.

Acrobat/Reader -- Quick Print a Single Page


Add a button to quickly print any single page to adobe acrobat.

Acrobat -- Create Bookmarks from File


This script can be used to generate the entire bookmarks structure of a PDF file from a text file, or even from an Excel sheet.

Acrobat -- Add Tooltip Text to Key Words or Phrases


Do you want the improve your PDF with tooltips (textual popups) that provide additional information for certain words when the reader hovers above them with the mouse? That can be easily achieved with this script.

Acrobat -- Extract Non-Sequential Pages


With this script you can extract a non-sequential range of pages in a PDF with ease. Once launched from the Tools menu (or panel), the script will prompt you to enter the page ranges to extract, separated by comma's.

Acrobat -- Batch Rename PDF Files Based on Content or Metadata


Batch rename pdf files based on their content and meta data.

Acrobat -- Batch Redact Social Security Numbers


Quickly and automatically redact any Social Insurance Numbers (SINs) from a pdf document. Black out, remove, redact, and cover up Social insurance numbers.

Acrobat -- Batch Redact Credit Card Numbers


Quickly redact all credit card numbers in a PDF document.

Acrobat/Reader -- Export Form Fields' Names, Properties


If you want to keep track of the different form fields in your PDF, this is the tool for you. It will create a text report with all of the fields names, types, and other properties you might be interested in.

Acrobat -- Quick Links to Frequently Used Files or Operations


If there are files that you need to open frequently in Acrobat, or operations that you need to run frequently (like opening the Batch Process window, or flattening a file), I can create for you custom-made menu items or toolbar icons that will do so with a single click! It's up to you to decide which icons to use and where to place the new menu items...

Acrobat/Reader -- Quick Print Current Page


This script will create a new button in Acrobat's toolbar that will allow you to print the current page of a document with a single click.

Acrobat -- "Live" Characters and Words Counter


Create a live word count on a form field or input in Acrobat.

Acrobat -- Auto Generate Form Fields


Create multiple form fields at once. Auto-generate form fields in acrobat.

Acrobat -- "Adding Machine Tape"-style Calculator


This calculator can be used for accounting purposes and has a built-in "Machine Tape" style box which keeps track of all the calculations. The text in the "tape" box can be copied and pasted elsewhere, and the entire calculator can also be copied, as is, to any existing PDF.

Acrobat -- Print as Booklet


With this script you can take a PDF file and print it out as a booklet, either with a cover page, or without.

Acrobat -- Export Values of a Combo-Box or List to a Text File


Export values from a combo box or list to a text file.

Reader -- Run JavaScript Code from within Reader


Run custom code within adobe acrobat reader.

Acrobat -- Apply Page Rotations to Multiple Pages


Apply custom page rotations within a document.

Acrobat -- Sort Bookmarks


Sort your Adobe Acrobat bookmarks by name, length, page number, or date.

Acrobat -- Convert Form Fields Type


Quickly convert form field types with this simple script.

Acrobat — Populate fields from dropdown


This tool allows you to set-up one of the most commonly requested features in PDF forms, a drop-down field that populates other fields with data when a selection is made it in.

Acrobat — Create a Table of Contents (TOC) in a PDF file from bookmarks


Convert your bookmarks in a PDF file into a Table of Contents (TOC)

Acrobat — Calculate time differences in a worksheet


With this script you can automatically calculate the time difference between a starting hour and an ending one. Sum up all times to a final piece.

Acrobat — Spell check suite


This suite of tools adds full spell-checking capabilities to Acrobat. You can now check and mark up regular text and bookmarks in addition to the standard check for form fields and comments which already exists in Acrobat.

Acrobat — Mail merge and email PDF files


Automatically fill in data in your PDF files, merge them into one convenient folder, then email the respective recipients the attached file.

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